5 Top Tips For Planning The Ideal Family Vacation

Tips For Planning Ideal Family Vacation

If this is set to be your very first time taking the whole family on vacation, it’s natural to feel a mix of nerves and excitement. Unlike traveling just as a couple, you may now have the responsibility of small children to manage and ensure that their needs and wants are taken care of. It goes without saying that various factors need to be taken into consideration to ensure the trip goes as smoothly as possible. 

In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the key tips to bear in mind for planning the perfect family vacation:

Tips for Planning the Ideal Family Vacation

Plan your destination

Plan your destination

When it comes to planning a vacation for the whole family, the choice of destination is crucial. While you may enjoy nothing more than sightseeing or lounging on the beach, you’ll also need to ensure that there are many activities for the kids. There is nothing worse than enduring non-stop tantrums if they become bored to tears. Florida is one of the best family-friendly destinations in the world, thanks to its combination of beaches, national parks, shopping malls, and of course, its world-famous theme parks. Orlando is a great choice for all ages – it would be worth making a note of things to do in Orlando before you travel to help you plan an appropriate itinerary for everyone. 

Also read 8 Orlando Hotels With A Complimentary Shuttle Bus To Disney And Universal.

Consider your budget

Consider your budget

It would be super wise to set a travel budget as early as possible to give you plenty of time to save and, of course, help you determine what to include in the itinerary. Do some proper thinking as to how much you feel happy spending on your trip and then set aside an amount to save each month. As you may expect, it will be much more expensive to travel as a family than independently or as a couple – especially if you’re keen to travel during the summer period, which is usually the peak season. Some of the factors you’ll need to take into account as part of your budgeting plan include:

  • Food
  • Transportation (flights, cab rides, or gas)
  • Accommodation
  • Activities and entertainment
  • Souvenirs and gifts 
  • Essentials 

Pack sensibly 

Packing for your upcoming family vacation may fill you with dread when you have little ones. It would be wise to check the weather forecast regularly to ensure you bring along suitable clothing for the duration of your trip. To be on the safe side, it would always be a good idea to pack a selection of items that are appropriate for all conditions and temperatures. 

One top tip would be to pack clothing that is great for mixing and matching. This means that items can be worn more than once so you can travel lighter, rather than having to lug around heavy suitcases of clothing that may never be worn. Remember that there are likely to be convenience stores near your accommodation so you can stock up on essentials (such as sunscreen, plasters, and painkillers) once you arrive.  

Spend quality time with your partner

Spend quality time with your partner

Just because you’re going on a family vacation doesn’t mean that you can’t spend quality time with your partner – remember, it’s your vacation too! Many resorts have on-site kids’ clubs where your little ones can have fun and enjoy activities, while giving you time to go sightseeing or simply lounge by the pool. If you feel comfortable with the idea, you could also hire a local babysitter (recommended by your hotel) to mind your children.

Plan for sickness

While you never want to imagine getting sick on vacation, it’s always best to be prepared for all situations. To ensure you can tackle injuries and illness immediately, always travel with a first aid kit. If you’re heading to a country where you’re anxious about the quality of medical care, it would be highly advised to take out travel insurance to ensure you’re covered in the event of an emergency. Compare the prices between policies online and always check what is included before committing. 

Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world. So don’t get too stressed if you experience some hiccups along the way. If you have never traveled as a family before. It may be a case of trial and error to determine what works. It may be worth talking to other parents about their vacation experiences and to see if they have any personal tips for making your trip as streamlined as possible. On a final note – remember to enjoy every moment of your vacation! You’re sure to make lasting memories for the years to come.