Navigating the future of human capital

Navigating the future of human capital

human capital

Today’s businesses must operate in a very dynamic atmosphere. Developing effective strategies to take advantage of available possibilities in overcoming risks has become a necessity. This Workday Training course will assist you by enhancing your skills in human capital management for your future career growth. Learn how to generate reports in a workday, interface builder and connectors, and workday studio through this online training.

Many changes have occurred in the HR business in recent decades as a result of the advent of artificial intelligence, the expansion of the gig economy, and a greater focus on diversity and inclusion in the workplace; more recently, the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic has posed a challenge to the status quo of organizational human resource management. So businesses must reconsider how they hire, retain, train, and lead their workers.

Although no one knows the full extent of the COVID-19 pandemic’s influence, its early repercussions on the economy, employment rates, and people’s work habits are firmly embedded in the overall human capital management system. The world of work will never be the same as it was before the epidemic, and HR’s position in the “new norm” will be crucial.

Efforts to ensure the business’s long-term viability and continuance

HR executives and their teams have been under a lot of pressure to handle the many components of the COVID-19 epidemic against a backdrop of enormous disruptions. In many companies, HR has taken the lead in disseminating information about COVID-19 and its impact on employees in a way that minimizes the potential for moral damage. HR professionals often have to oversee and carry out a slew of business choices that have an impact on employees. They are as follows:

  1. Compulsory vacations
  2. Salaries are being cut
  3. Reductions and Layoffs in the workforce
  4. Leave procedures and policies 
  1. Restrictions on travel
  2. Process of working from home
  3. Implementing decisions made by the government, and provinces or states, like policies and programs that were set during the regulations concerning the coronavirus, information related to lockdowns and curfews, economic reliefs and concessions, Stay-at-home directives for public safety, and business closure rules.

HR directors must also sustain company policies and processes that promote employees’ safety and health, in addition to these “forced” modifications to company operations. These include things like social distancing, sanitizing and disinfecting workspaces, and so forth. while simultaneously attempting to maintain as much normality as possible in the business.

The roadmap to the work’s future from an IT thought leader

HR teams also must ensure that adjustments made as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak are reflected in HR information systems and other HR systems. Modifications in the legal changes like pay, vacation, and time need technological changes in the relevant systems, which must be tested before being implemented.

Many transformation and implementation initiatives have been placed on hold by HR executives and their supervisors as they try to figure out when business and income may return to pre-pandemic levels. Because of the vagueness, corporate executives are erring on the side of caution when it comes to capital expenditure on IT initiatives, even when a return on investment is nearly inevitable.

HR should continue to ensure that employee travel and health data are legally gathered, handled, and retained. When verified COVID positive cases are discovered in the workplace, the victims’ first and second level of close contacts must be identified, and also the affected parties for quarantine reasons. While there are different rules in each nation that dictate local data collecting, storage, and processing, HR executives and teams must make time and effort sacrifices to keep their workforce’s health status up to date on a regular basis.

Role of HR’s in Navigating around a world of COVID-19

As senior leaders in government and industry take cautious moves to return to some sort of ‘business as usual,’ HR leaders are tasked with maintaining a near-normal work environment. As senior leaders in government and industry take cautious moves to return to some sort of ‘business as usual,’ HR leaders are tasked with maintaining a near-normal work environment.

Should the economic situation need additional measures of cutting employee expenses, HR may collaborate with company executives to discover alternate solutions and avoid layoffs.

As the epidemic slows or ends, mass recruiting might become a critical demand in particular industries. HR directors must ensure that their recruitment teams and processes are up to the task. This necessitates being proactive in identifying talents and other needs. HR can, for example, investigate virtual interviewing techniques, which may become increasingly essential in the hiring market after COVID-19.

Reduced work hours, unpaid leave of absence, flexible work schedules, partial wage postponement, and income reductions are some of the options available. Hiring freezes are also helpful in lowering labor expenses, but they may not be big enough to rule out alternative options. Overall, a massive revolution in human capital management is required throughout the world to meet the current problems posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Hence there is a huge responsibility for HRs on future administration which includes various roles of human capital management to initiate several policies and procedures by serving the needs of the employees and the organization.