Guest Blogging Sites List (Updated) | TechySUMO

Guest Blogging Sites List (Updated)

Guest Blogging Sites List (Updated)

Finding guest blogging sites is very different from knowing about guest posts. Google has become a valuable resource for digital marketers learning about guest posting sites. The chances of finding guest posting sites and executing guest posts on these sites are slim. This is why I am providing everything you need to know before taking any steps towards becoming a guest blogger.

You will learn about guest posts and the difference between guest posts and articles. A guest post has more emphasis on why guest blogging is important, some advanced search queries for finding guest blogging sites, and criteria to consider before reaching out to guest posting sites. In addition, I also discuss what you can and cannot do before reaching out to guest posting sites. Last but not least, you will get a list of guest blogging sites. Let’s check the disclaimer before we start learning.


There is no guarantee that any or all of the listed websites will accept free guest postings. You may find that some of them do not allow guest posts, and you may also find that some charge a fee for guest posts.

Guest blogging sites list

WebsiteDADRCategoryPrice ($)Contact
techysumo.com6428General35Send Email
pcstacks.com6347Technology150Send Email
feedbeater.com5564Technology200Send Email
wpreset.com5574Technology250Send Email
woahtech.com6552Technology150Send Email
paceofficial.com5562Technology150Send Email
digitalengineland.com5671General40Send Email
techsplesh.com5531General30Send Email
articlepeer.com1625General3Send Email
lilbizz.com1227Business25Send Email
hugebizz.com1623Business15Send Email
techygossips.com5240Technology40Send Email
blogtriggers.com1815Digital Marketing15Send Email Email
hudibaba.com6210Health and Fitness10Send Email
healthycrops.net3610Health and Fitness10Send Email
anunaadlife.com3825General20Send Email
catherinehardwicke.com3327General15Send Email
phelixinfosolutions.com4831Technology20Send Email
nob6.com4527Technology20Send Email
ejobmitra.com4431Education20Send Email
vooei.com5704Lifestyle10Send Email
seohaste.com6028Digital Marketing20Send Email
jansoochnaportal.com4916News20Send Email
eibik.com4925General20Send Email
pituluik.com3613General30Send Email
techncrypto.com5431Technology25Send Email
trickyworlds.com2035General15Send Email
timeforknowledge.com5140General75Send Email
bloggingdart.com5438General100Send Email
internationalhealth24.com6729Health and Fitness30Send Email
mycontentstore.com2227General50Send Email
ireviewlot.com2011General0Send Email
allblogthings.com6252Technology40Send Email
outlookappins.com6038Technology10Send Email
magelang1337.com5645Technology35Send Email
transferemails.com3640Technology50Send Email
naijatechnews.com5554Technology60Send Email
techpoof.com1423Technology75Send Email
kingsoftz.com5540Technology35Send Email
fullpcsoftz.com5522Technology25Send Email
crackpediaa.com5525Technology25Send Email
seeratpc.com5721Technology30Send Email
crackkeymac.com5513Technology25Send Email
fullmaccrack.com5910Technology25Send Email
onhaxme.com5232Technology30Send Email
allcracksoft.com1713Technology25Send Email
thetaggy.com5633General30Send Email
b4bestreviews.com5623General30Send Email
furybyte.com5220General30Send Email
theoutdoorchamp.com3848General35Send Email
plansoutdoor.com3848General35Send Email
bestwoodrouterguru.com3228General35Send Email
besttrumpetreviews.com3126General35Send Email
the10co.com2737General25Send Email
theslevy.com2927General35Send Email
thewisy.com2416General30Send Email
r4recipe.com263General30Send Email
theslevy.com2927General25Send Email
dottrusty.com3129General25Send Email
www.pakainfo.com3049General100Send Email
infinityknow.com1915General50Send Email
how2wish.com554Relationship25Send Email
quotes4day.com5418Relationship30Send Email
cars2bike.com6240Automobile35Send Email
techguruplus.com2528Education60Send Email
digitalgpoint.com4749Business5Send Email
gudstory.com6256Business75Send Email
yeahhub.com2643Technology25Send Email
adclays.com5653Business50Send Email
yourmotivationguru.com3015Lifestyle30Send Email
zobuz.com2943General40Send Email
divingdaily.com6636General35Send Email
thexploretech.com1617Technology30Send Email
techviral.tech4150Technology30Send Email
ans2all.com5125General30Send Email
updatedideas.com6164General40Send Email
digitalglobaltimes.com5759General30Send Email
majidzhacker.com5460Technology30Send Email
serpsci.com1310Digital Marketing10Send Email
easyshiksha.com3434Education40Send Email
healthgardeners.com2529Health and Fitness25Send Email
theruntime.com6935General100Send Email
uplarn.com5945General100Send Email
webopter.com4640General50Send Email
educationafter12th.com2020Education60Send Email
justwebdevelopment.com6644Technology20Send Email
myurlpro.com6729General30Send Email
gadgetgram.com3445Technology100Send Email
projectcubicle.com7447Technology109Send Email
rindx.com6244General40Send Email
99scoop.com5251Technology20Send Email
thereadtoday.com5439General100Send Email
techbizfin.com5539General30Send Email
wineteacoffee.com6239Food30Send Email
seoexpertstuff.com112.9Digital Marketing20Send Email
thecheeryhome.com3118General20Send Email
readesh.com7171General50Send Email
digestley.com5848General30Send Email
mcnezu.com5755General10Send Email
writingley.com5939General10Send Email
writfy.com5935General10Send Email
coinswey.com4419Other10Send Email
writeminer.com5341General5Send Email
newsstary.com5337General5Send Email
magvibes.com5337General5Send Email
writegossip.com5329General5Send Email
technoloss.com5336Other5Send Email
techzena.com5338Other5Send Email
dailiest.com5360General5Send Email
magzinera.com5242General5Send Email
newsshype.com5336General5Send Email
newsstast.com5338General5Send Email
investbout.com5337Business5Send Email
magazinost.com5338General5Send Email
marketinic.com5337Business5Send Email
techanta.com5336Other5Send Email
magazism.com5336General5Send Email
technolf.com5338Technology5Send Email
businve.com5238Business5Send Email
pcstacks.com6562Technology150Send Email
techyeyes.com6367Technology150Send Email
savethevideo.net5668Technology150Send Email
techbillow.com5667Technology150Send Email
techieevent.com6559Technology150Send Email
mediumtalk.net5569Technology150Send Email
woahtech.com6052Technology200Send Email
yehiweb.com5369Technology200Send Email
safeboxguide.com5469Technology200Send Email
tenocation.com6655Technology199Send Email
85ideas.com4172Website Design150Send Email
wpnewsify.com5665Website Design150Send Email
underconstructionpage.com5882Website Design150Send Email
wpsauce.com4956Website Design150Send Email
mywptips.com6053Website Design150Send Email
themecircle.net5878Website Design150Send Email
webfactoryltd.com5969Website Design150Send Email
wpreset.com5474Website Design250Send Email
comingsoonwp.com5574Website Design150Send Email
gmapswidget.com5471Website Design150Send Email
navthemes.com6375Website Design150Send Email
wpauthorbox.com5471Website Design150Send Email
resizemyimg.com5453Website Design150Send Email
tidyrepo.com6361Website Design150Send Email
wppluginsify.com5459Website Design150Send Email
enstinemuki.com5758Website Design150Send Email
blogwolf.com6561Website Design150Send Email
wp301redirects.com5473Website Design150Send Email
thebetterwebmovement.com5952Website Design150Send Email
wpradar.com5371Website Design150Send Email
jem-products.com5372Website Design150Send Email
dealsofdreams.com5568Website Design150Send Email
blogjoker.com5369Website Design150Send Email
bloggerwalk.com6059Social Media150Send Email
unitconversion.io5767Digital Marketing150Send Email
thumbtube.com5968Digital Marketing150Send Email
pythonblogs.com3652Digital Marketing150Send Email
websiteseostats.com4157Digital Marketing150Send Email
challengingcoder.com5537Digital Marketing30Send Email
reviewslion.com5566Social Media150Send Email
codecarbon.com6770Social Media150Send Email
whatidea1.com6567General30Send Email
newsnit.com5967General50Send Email
filmdhamaka.in5467General40Send Email
gadgetsng.com5459General20Send Email
ontomywardrobe.com6164General40Send Email
technewsgather.com5536Technology60Send Email
thevirtualassist.net2427General30Send Email
wisesofttech.com6912Technology20Send Email
lemonyblog.com5739General55Send Email
answerout.com5663Education200Send Email
tekkaus.com5663Education200Send Email
truepush.com3645Business0Send Email
geturbooks.com1421Education10Send Email
techsparkle.com3439Technology150Send Email
sumekar31.com1127Technology13Send Email
trendytarzen.com5452Technology50Send Email
timebusinessnews.com6864Business90Send Email
fiverrme.com6032Technology60Send Email
mynewsfit.com5254General90Send Email
trendytarzen.com5655Art and Entertainment50Send Email
littlelioness.net7248Health and Fitness90Send Email
whatsmagazine.com5650Health and Fitness80Send Email
writingviews.com5449General70Send Email
bitcoinstrends.net5628Other40Send Email
gamingsapps.com5522General40Send Email
easytoearn.net649Art and Entertainment30Send Email
playstorestation.com5628General40Send Email
gamingsapps.com5454Technology50Send Email
techstory.in6475General100Send Email
forupon.com6550General150Send Email
techmistake.com6048Technology150Send Email
uplarn.com6146General70Send Email Email
8degreethemes.com5065Website Design150Send Email

How to Add Your Website to This List?

Ohh great, You have your website on that you are accepting guest blogging and want to add your website into this guest blogging website list. That’s nice. Actually we are charging little amount to add a website in the guest posting website list. By paying $30 you can add your website in this list. You should send email to our sales team with below details. Team will follow back you within a week.

What Is a Guest Post?

Posting content on another company’s website is called guest posting, or “guest blogging.”. Guest bloggers usually write for similar blogs within their industry in order to:

  • Increase traffic to their website
  • To increase their domain authority, link to high-authority domains
  • Increasing their brand’s credibility and awareness, and
  • Establish relationships with industry peers.

Most of the time, guest blogging is mutually beneficial for both the guest blogger and the website hosting the guest content. You should also consider putting guest posts on your own website if you decide to participate in guest blogging. In return you will get either money or featured your post on a third party website.

Difference Between Article and Guest Post


Some of you may not know the difference between guest posting sites and article sites. Let me clarify. An article site is primarily for public sharing of articles. Most article sites only allow you to upload one image in the body part. Article sites allow you to upload thin content, such as content that is under 500 words. This content becomes live immediately. Any content you have can be published on article sites. Guest posting sites, however, are different.

Guest posting sites are just like any other blogging sites. Generally, major guest blogging sites will not allow you to publish a blog on their site. A guest post must be approved by the site’s administrators. Every guest posting site has its own guidelines. Bloggers must follow the guidelines to publish their content on the site. Guidelines or criteria can include Word count, Link count, Article niche, Quality article, content tone, and much more.

Why Guest Posting Is Important

At this time, Guest posting or guest blogging is a significant part of SEO for many reasons. By guest blogging, anyone can get below benefits.

Reach a Wide Audience

You can reach a wider audience that can be your prospect and your customer.

Quality Referral Traffic

By guest posting you can get the benefit of referral traffic. By guest posting you can share your referral or affiliate link in the gust article that can help you to earn extra money.

long-lasting Relationship

By guest posting you can build a long term relationship with your readers. It will help you to grow your fan base as well as business.

Become Influencer

You can become an influencer of other’s products or businesses if you don’t own any business. Becoming an influencer can be one of the best options for the initial faze. All it can happen with the guest posting.

Social Media Presence

Almost every website uses social media platforms to generate more social traffic to their website. By guest blogging you can increase your social media presence as the website will share your guest blog on their social media platforms.

Increase Your Site Authority

You can increase your website authority if you choose to guest blog on other websites. Likely you are going to share your website link on the guest article.

Get Inbound Links

As we discussed in the last point you will share your website link on the guest article. By this way you will get the inbound links for your business website by guest posting. It will help your business in terms of SEO.


Last but important. Money is also a motivation to start guest blogging. You can generate revenue directly or indirectly. If you are running a business then you are going to boost your business traffic and it will impact you in your earning once you start guest blogging.

You may also find some websites that will compensate you for writing guest blogs on their website.

Do’s and Don’ts for Guest Blogging

Do’s for Guest Posting

Read Guideline

Before you start writing for guest blogging or start pitching for guest post requests you should be aware of all the guidelines that the website is looking for. Every website has their own guidelines but some of them are common. Here are some common type guest posting guidelines. Here are other guest posting tips that can help you.

  • Content length
  • No. of links
  • Blog niche
  • Non promotional
  • Internal links
  • No. of images
  • Feature image size
  • Meta title and meta description length
  • Copy/Plagiarized content

Write Quality Content

This is non written rule that you should follow that you always write quality content for guest posting. What does it mean while we are talking about quality content? If you ask me then here are some criteria’s that refer to quality content.

  • Blog type
  • Blog length
  • Non published article
  • Keyword optimized content
  • External links to genuine resource
  • Added Infographics

Show Your Experience

When guest posting, it’s essential to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge in your chosen topic. Readers and website owners value well-informed and experienced contributors.

Write for The Audience

Your content should always be tailored to the target audience of the website where you’re guest posting. Understand their interests, needs, and preferences to create content that resonates with them.

Add Quality Reference

Back up your claims and statements with credible references and sources. Providing reliable information enhances the credibility of your guest post and builds trust with the readers.

Use Proper Images

Visual elements can greatly enhance the appeal of your guest post. Incorporate high-quality images, infographics, or charts that are relevant to your content to make it more engaging and informative.

Don’t do for Guest Blogging


Avoid overloading your guest post with excessive self-promotion, affiliate links, or irrelevant content. Spammy content can harm your reputation and get your post rejected.

Spin Articles

Never use automated article spinners to create or rephrase content. Unique, well-crafted content is highly valued, and spun articles can be easily detected and rejected.

Re-use Article

Each guest post should be unique and exclusive to the host website. Avoid recycling the same content you’ve published elsewhere, as this can lead to duplicate content issues and may not be well-received by search engines.

Be Promotional

While it’s acceptable to mention your products or services where relevant, your guest post should primarily offer valuable information and not read like an advertisement. Excessive self-promotion can turn readers away.

Low-quality Website

Be selective about the websites you choose to guest post on. Avoid contributing to low-quality, spammy, or irrelevant sites, as this can negatively impact your own reputation and backlinks.

Stuff with Links

Limit the number of links you include in your guest post. Overly stuffing your content with links can make it appear spammy and may lead to rejection. Focus on providing value through your content first.

How to Find Guest Blogging Sites

By some advance google search queries you can find guest blogging sites as per your needs. Here are some good advance search queries to find general guest posting sites.

  • “submit post”
  • “guest post”
  • “write for us”
  • “guest article”
  • “submit news”
  • “this is a guest post by”
  • “contributing writer”
  • “want to write for”
  • “submit blog post”
  • “contribute to our site”
  • “submit content”
  • “submit your content”
  • “guest posts wanted”
  • “guest blogger”
  • “become a guest blogger”
  • “startup funding”


When my website will be listed after paying for guest blogging website list?
We usually update this website list once a week. It means your website will be listed within a week.

How can I edit/delete my website from the list?
You can email us on our support email ID ( for any kind of changes.

Do you charge anything for delete my website from the list?
No, we only charge for adding your website in the guest blogging website list.

Is my money refundable if I want to remove my website from the list?
No, as we already had invest our time and resource to add your website in the list, it is hard for us to refund the amount you had paid for listing your website in the list.