Trying to figure out which keywords you should be targeting can be quite a pain without the right tools. So in this article, we will go over the Google keyword tool that you can use for free. Although there are plenty of tools out on the internet to help you with your search engine optimization, it is always good to get your information directly from the search engine. The information you will get from the Google keyword tool is how many times the keyword is searched per month, how hard the competition is, and similar keyword phrases.
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Amount Of Searches Per Month

This is the most obvious benefit that you will get from the tool. You will be able to see how many unique searches were made for the target keyword per month on a global scale or on a local scale. You have the option to choose filters for different countries to see how the keyword is doing across any country. This really helps for those of you who intend to try and target different markets across the world.
It is important to know how many searches the keyword gets each month so you can track how well they do over time. If you notice that after a few months one of your targeted keywords is increasing in numbers, then you know that it will continue to become more successful for you.
By understanding the keyword trends, you will have an easier time figuring out if the keyword will do better over time or get worse. People’s interests change all the time, so a keyword that is doing great this month might end up not doing so great in a few months.
Similar Keyword Suggestions

When you look up certain search terms, you will also be able to see what similar terms might be a better choice for you. Choosing the exact right keyword phrases is going to be essential to having high ranking content, so you should always review what other terms you can choose from. The more terms that you review and record down, the more options you open for yourself.
Keeping a log of all the different keywords and their statistics will help future research as well because you will have quick access to the keywords you are interested in and you can also easily compare the statistics. A great tip is to continue to update the search with the new terms that you find in the suggested area, because a lot of the time you will get new search terms that weren’t up there before. This gives you a broad range of similar keywords.
Also, try and use a thesaurus to help you broaden your keywords. People use all types of words to find what they’re looking for on the internet, so make sure you don’t miss a great keyword just because you didn’t want to take the time to look up new ways to search for the keywords.

This is where you will determine whether or not you will target the keyword. Usually, the more popular a keyword is, the higher the competition, but that is not always the case. So once you have found a keyword that you are interested in,you should check what competition level it is. Google shows them in three levels, which are low, medium, and high. The lower the competition, the easier it is going to be for you to rank. Depending on how many resources you have to use when trying to rank your content, usually determines whether or not you want to go after the keywords with more competition.
If you can manage to get a good ranking on a highly competitive keyword, you will see massive increases in traffic, but if you can’t, you should just stick to the less popular keywords. Although the less popular ones won’t bring you as much traffic, you could easily get ranked on 10 of them with the same amount of work you would need to rank on a highly competitive term.
So all in all, if you are looking for a good keyword research tool that will get you the basic information you need to make decisions on what keywords to target, Google Keyword Tool is your answer.