How To Get Your Garden Ready For Summer

How To Get Your Garden Ready For Summer

Are you someone who wants to have a garden space where you can entertain your guests? Or are you simply looking for the motivation needed to get your garden in good condition before summer?

This is easy enough if you have a smaller garden, as it usually just requires a little bit of tidying and a quick mow. However, if you are lucky enough to have a larger stretch of land next to your home, the task can seem incredibly daunting.

Luckily, you don’t have to hire help to clean your outdoor space. You can break down this task into simple-to-follow tips. This article will walk you through them, so you don’t have to feel as intimidated when it comes to getting your garden space ready for the brighter, warmer months. Enjoy!

Clean Up And Cut! 

Starting with the basics, winter usually leaves gardens cluttered with fallen leaves, overgrown plants, and other debris. So, the first step needed to get your garden ready for summer is to have a quick clean-up. This allows you to prune back overgrown shrubs, hedges, and trees, which can encourage healthy growth and maintain a tidy appearance.

When you have a larger lawn, you will also want to get that trimmed back before you begin any planting or redesigning of your outdoor space. So, it’s worth looking into Cub Cadet riding mowers to help speed this process up and save you time and money.

Plan Your Planting and Design

When you are blessed with a larger garden, there is more space to be creative but it will also require you to put in some thoughtful planning to bring it all together. 

Think what worked in your garden last year and then decide on the plants you want to add, and the ones that you can do without. Assess the parts of the garden where there is full or partial sun, and plant accordingly. You can use these for shaded areas for sculptures or shade-loving plants like ferns.

Many people who have a larger garden also like to incorporate color palettes for their flowers or foliage, so try this out with flowers, accessories, and even fence paints. 

If you want to grow vegetables, it can be worth looking into raised beds, or even a section of your garden dedicated to a greenhouse, where you can grow tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. 

Invest In the Soil

Irrespective of the size of the garden, you will need to ensure that the soil is healthy for it to thrive. Also, after a winter period, most soils will need a boost. So, try to conduct a soil test to assess the pH level of your soil, as well as its nutrient content. It can be worth adding compost or aged manure to improve the soil structure and boost moisture retention for plants. If you have clay-based soil, following a wet winter, it will likely be compacted so it’s worth aerating the soil to help with oxygen flow and drainage.

Invest in Watering Solutions

If the thought of watering your large space with all of the new plants and other features fills you with dread, it is worth assessing the watering system. You will want one that will keep your plants hydrated and healthy, without you needing to lug a watering can around.

It may be ideal to look into drip irrigation or soaker hoses, as both of these are ideal for delivering water straight to the roots of plants, which will reduce water waste and help with more even water distribution. Or, if you want to have a more natural approach to this, you can spread a layer of mulch around your plants, as this will help you to retain moisture and keep your plants hydrated. 

Must Read: Ensuring Your Greenhouse Is Protected From Winter Storms

Create Functional and Inviting Spaces

Of course, having a larger garden isn’t just about plants. As said in the intro, if you want to entertain guests in your garden, you will likely need to place some spots around the area where you and your friends can relax on those warm summer evenings. 

Look into comfortable outdoor seating options, such as rattan furniture and, if you have a sun-exposed garden, it can be worth investing in shade-creating features, such as umbrellas or pergolas. If you want to make a large investment in your garden space, why not have a decking area installed; this will create an obvious and inviting area to sit for guests while also adding value to your property.